Times New Viking are from Colombus, Ohio. I read a little blurb about them in Magnet Magazine last month, and it piqued my curiosity. The areticle mentioned that their recent Siltbreeze Records record Dig Yourself was "lovingly fucked with by Mike Rep", the same Mike Rep [Hummel] who "lovingly fucked with" some of Guided by Voices earlier records. Having never heard them, I was quite surprised to learn that they were going to open for Bob Pollard at the Southgate House last weekend. I missed the first part of their set, but was fortunate enough to catch the last few songs. Of those few songs I heard live, I was quite impressed. The album is a bit rough, and definately leaves room for improvement, but they're definately on to something. After hearing the album and seeing them live (which I preferred over the album), I'm even more interested in hearing what they can do with a little more time and polishing.
They have a few songs on their MySpace page, which you can listen to below. They don't have a website of their own yet, other than the MySpace page. However, you can order the record and listen to :30 second samples from Midheaven. The pictures in this post are ones I took at the show. A bit out of focus, but there they are.
Skull Versus Wizard
Not High
Fuck Books
Natural Resources, I Love Mine

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